Historical Include files, Revision 2

Package Manager Database

A incomplete list (to save typing) using a nested sequence format:

export sequence managers = {                                     --  1 
                                                                 --  2 
{ "dnf", -- fedoraBased                                          --  3 
  {"dnf install",                                                --  4 
   "dnf reinstall",                                              --  5 
   "dnf search",                                                 --  6 
   "dnf upgrade",                                                --  7 
   "dnf --refresh check-update",                                 --  8 
   "dnf --refresh upgrade",                                      --  9 
   "dnf --refresh check-update",                                 -- 10 
   "dnf remove",                                                 -- 11 
   "dnf remove",                                                 -- 12 
   "dnf autoremove",                                             -- 13 
   "dnf check-update"                                            -- 14 
  }                                                              -- 15 
},                                                               -- 16 
                                                                 -- 17 
    -- add more as needed                                        -- 18 
                                                                 -- 19 
{ "apt-get",                                                     -- 20 
    { "apt install",                                             -- 21 
      "apt install --reinstall",                                 -- 22 
      "apt search",                                              -- 23 
      "apt upgrade",                                             -- 24 
      "apt update",                                              -- 25 
      "apt update; sudo apt upgrade",                            -- 26 
      "apt  update",                                             -- 27 
      "apt  remove",                                             -- 28 
      "apt remove --purge",                                      -- 29 
      "apt autoremove"                                           -- 30 
    }                                                            -- 31 
},                                                               -- 32 
                                                                 -- 33 
{ "equo", -- saybayon                                            -- 34 
    { "equo i",                                                  -- 35 
     "equo i",                                                   -- 36 
    "equo s",                                                    -- 37 
    "equo u",                                                    -- 38 
    "equo up",                                                   -- 39 
    "equo up && sudo equo u",                                    -- 40 
    "equo update --force",                                       -- 41 
    "equo rm",                                                   -- 42 
    "equo rm --norecursive",                                     -- 43 
    "equo cleanup"                                               -- 44 
    }                                                            -- 45 
},            -- all items followed by , if you use $ end marker -- 46 
                                                                 -- 47 
$ }                                                              -- 48 


to make an identifier "visible" to an including program you must export it
global is used rarely and public is used to make a chain of includes
there are no rules for using sequences, arrange data in any convient form
comments using -- can be added anywhere in source-code
the $ marker is optional, but make it easy to add items to a sequence list

Which Manager is Installed?

This code is copied from the "New and having problems" thread. Thanks to mollusk and irv.

-- which.e                                              --  1 
                                                        --  2 
include std/filesys.e                                   --  3 
include std/io.e                                        --  4 
                                                        --  5 
include PkgMgrs.e                                       --  6 
                                                        --  7 
export function which()                                 --  8 
                                                        --  9 
    for i=1 to length( managers ) do                    -- 10 
        sequence pkmgr =  locate_file( managers[i][1] ) -- 11 
        if file_type( pkmgr ) = 1 then                  -- 12 
            return i                                    -- 13 
        end if                                          -- 14 
    end for                                             -- 15 
                                                        -- 16 
    return 0                                            -- 17 
end function                                            -- 18 
                                                        -- 19 

the database of package managers is imported to make the sequence managers visible
a check to make sure that the identifier is a file and not a directory

Link to last page http://openeuphoria.org/wiki/view/Tux%20utility.wc

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